

PrismDCIM - Data Center Infrastructure Management Software

Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) is a new genus of software of PrismERP that comes with tools which allows data center operators to achieve the ability to run data center operations more efficiently and improve entire data center infrastructure planning and design. 

About PrismDCIM

When a ERP system is covering all important aspects of a DCIM center - Power, Capacity, Environment, Energy, it increases the ability of operators to identify, locate, visualize, and manage all physical data center assets, and its automatically reduces the cost, labor effort and save the time. 

DCIM software is like a bridge of information across organizational territories such as Data Center Operations, Facility infrastructure components-Power distribution units and Computer room air conditioners, Manpower and IT-related equipment (servers, storage and network switches).

The software will give a complete visual tour of what is happening in the Data center and one can control all the activities. The visual information on the equipment in the data center reduces troubleshooting time and also reduces physical visits to the Data Center.

Key Features

Data Center Management

Data Center Management

IT Asset Provisioning

IT Asset Provisioning

ITSM Integration

ITSM Integration

CMDB Maintenance

CMDB Maintenance

Audit and Compliance

Audit and Compliance

Modules of PrismDCIM

Data Center Location Management

Manage data centers located worldwide with a hierarchical view of all the locations with all assets of a data center for better planning and easy accessibility. Data centers can further be drilled down by region, country, building, floor, room.

Data Center Location prismdcim
Rack Management prismdcim

Rack Management

A data center rack is a type of physical steel and electronic framework that is designed according to servers, networking devices, cables and other data center computing equipment. A rack contains such information, General information, Operational Information, Network Ports, Ownership Details, Hosts, Related Assets, Warranty, Maintenance Schedules, Equipment Configurations, Power supply.

Asset Management

Allows easy maintenance of the centralized database. A centralized database enables accurate record keeping and processes so no need to use spreadsheets or homegrown tools. This module records all servers information and each server will have information like- Asset name, serial number, tag etc, Ownership & Hosts details, Schedules, Card Connection Details, KVM Switch Connection, Asset Mount Information, Asset Location etc.

Asset Management PrismDCIM
Room Viewer PrismDCIM

Room Viewer

Extensive graphical representation of the entire room in a single dashboard. In this Room viewer DCIM operator can see all the assets exist in the room and can manage several activities. The room designer will have a blank canvas to Drag and Drop various data center objects and plan the data center layout, can add different modules in to the room and also allocate devices in the room. Leveraging the tool they can further resize, reshape and relocate objects and then save the layout representing the physical layout.

Service Billing Integration

Service Billing Integration provides an overview of all the customer services running on the asset. Alternatively because of device integration we can see on which device the service is running. Through this module the Data center operator can easily specify each customer’s allocated devices and their running services and will give a clear view of accessibility of both sides.

Device Assembling/ Reassembling

Each device can be further breakdown into each individual components. This will provide maintenance history with component details. Actually this module made the work easier through its history keeping feature so that if any device or component needs to be replaced or a new device is added or assembled, every detail can be tracked down with a list.

Power Management

Provides visibility of overall power draw of all equipment in the data center. It also provides alerts on how much power is available & consumed.

Power Management modified prismdcim

Server Inventory Management

Keeping a complete record of detailed information about all servers maintained and used in a Data center such as : Information of Service Provider/Colocation Service, Clients Information, Server ID, Server Name, Assembling information and history. Track each item like RAM & HDD & CPU Core.

PrismDCIM Benefits

  • Improve Uptime
    Improve Uptime
  • Improve Capacity Planning and Utilization
    Improve Capacity Planning and Utilization
  • Change Management
    Change Management
  • Energy Management
    Energy Management
  • Power Monitoring System
    Power Monitoring System
  • Environmental Monitoring
    Environmental Monitoring
  • Escalated Productivity
    Escalated Productivity
  • Increase Data Center Operational Efficiency
    Increase Data Center Operational Efficiency
  • Multiple Visualization
    Multiple Visualization
  • Upgraded Data Center Design
    Upgraded Data Center Design
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At a Glance of PrismDCIM

At a Glance of PrismDCIM

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